My good friend Arthur died recently, in what is accepted as an unfortunate climbing accident. But it’s a real coincidence that he’s the only person my age I know who had made a will, and it just so happened to
December 15 – Adam Brody gets sketchy shorts
A newly appellated Tony Piman returns to his empty shop, still reeling but pretty convinced that he was only passed over for his dream job because of his old suppressive name. Like Jonathan Leibowitz and Cherilyn Sarkisian before him, he
December 12 – Mayim Bialik gets a marquetter’s fortpolio
I work in marketing, and no matter what Bill Hicks says, I’ll probably go on living anyway. I first got turned on to the advertising field as a five-and-a-half-year-old and saw three mind-blowing commercials back-to-back-to-back. It turns out most marketing
December 9 – Felicity Huffman gets a convenient score
We prioritize convenience over everything, and comfort is pursued above all else. Even when we know the convenient option is the lazy one, and the comfortable is boring. Privacy – Readily accepting terms and conditions that give permission to companies
December 8 – Nicki Minaj gets a pre-cancerous consideration
[Editor’s preambling note: All of this was written a couple of years before the author actually developed cancer, and I think before his mom did, so please don’t treat it as a plea for pity, or an accurate reflection of
December 4 – Jeff Bridges gets ambitious videos to be made in my honour
I’d like to make a film called Will in which I die in the opening scene, but in some funny, lighthearted, Darwin Awardy way so that nobody gets too broke up about it. In my final dispensation, I bestow to
December 1 – Sarah Silverman gets book titles and band names
Your book was my favourite thing I read this year, and this includes things I’ve written, so that’s saying a lot. I know the title alone went through an extended wringer, both in your own head and in back-and-forths with
November 27 – Bill Nye gets patents pending
If it weren’t for you, 747s wouldn’t have even one hydraulic pressure resonance suppressor tube. A long flight after a long stopover after a long security line wouldn’t be at all tolerable if the whole plane was vibrating like an
November 18 – Kirk Hammett gets a startist’s ideation
People¹ always ask me where I get my ideas. Oh man, they come from everywhere! Dreams, strangers, the back of a bus that left me in its dust because I was too enrapt by a ladybug on a pole to
November 15 – Shailene Woodley gets five shoppers shopping
Being surrounded by grocery-shopping crowds all day has given me a chance to truly discover who the general public is and what they’re doing here. All of these people are real, most you have seen in your travels, and one