The northernest European region boasts the highest quality of life, the freshest air, the loveliest accents, the Karl Ove Knausgaards, and the greatest expanse of useful regional terms. This last aspect is called the Scandinavian Sprawl, and it permeates your wordstock, whether you notice it or not.

The Dutch reach brings together cyclists and drivers, while the dutch oven’s presence in the bedroom has been known to destroy solid relationships. You go dutch on a date, skip the double dutch with a friend, eat a dutchie with a best friend. And that’s only from one of the countries. You can also eat a danish or a Copenhagen canapé, Swedish fish and their related meatballs. Or get Stockholm syndrome and Norwegian wood, learn Swedenmarketable skills, pour flaming water from a hell sink, buy yer crack in Hamsterdam, swoon over Tom Holland, or take your time with the Oslo all slow. After vandalizing with Gothenburg graffiti, you’ll almost be hitting full Icelandic exhaustion, but it’s at this point you’ll finally reach the Finnish line.

[Editor’s note: While the Netherlands is not technically or geographically or in any way in Scandinavia, the author refuses to listen to reason or to me. He knows I’m at my last straw, with my LinkedIn profile updated and everything.]

April 2 – Chris Meloni gets a study of the Scandinavian Sprawl
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