I’m in a dream, explaining dreams I’d had.

Level 2: “Fire and Rain” is playing, but I can’t identify the singer.
Level 1: I tell Martin how strange it was that Dream Me couldn’t come up with James Taylor. Then I compare ‘Fire and Rain’ to ‘Let It Be’. “Like, I know who sings it. But in my dream (Level 2) I thought it was Damien Rice or something.”

Level 2: ELO’s most popular song is on.
Level 1: Hogan and I try to determine why it’s so popular.
Him: Is it because of the Gap commercial?
Me (overlapping and interrupting): I guess because of the Gap commercial. But before that, it had to be their other song, which I can’t think of at all.
[Editor’s note: Mr. Blue Sky is in fact E.L.O.’s most popular song, and always was. It was never in a Gap commercial, although it was in a Volkswagen one.]

Level 2: I’m not able to read the list of bands for an upcoming music festival called “Rock On The Rock” because it’s written in the font granite. I’m annoyed that I can only make out Our Lady Peace and either Matt Mays or Miles Moss.
Me: “Not everything needs to hit you over the head about this being called The Rock. We don’t need reminders that we have soil unfit to grow anything.”
Level 1: An Uber driver is picking us up. I get in the front seat and he appears to be dead. I’d predicted in Level 2 that he would die, so I’m not surprised.
Eventually he wakes up and starts the engine. I explain to him that he was just dead and should probably take a minute to recuperate before driving.
Steff (Newman’s friend) sends me text, which is our first phone communication outside of a group thread, telling me to watch the Big Thief concert video, “Escape the Morning”.

Escape the Morning

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