We go out to Martin’s cabin on Galiano Island but don’t tell him about it.
It turns out the area has developed a lot, and is more like a functional campground now.
There’s a half busy road nearby and a dentist’s office across the street.
I’m not sure why we didn’t ask Martin if we could come, but we didn’t. It happened to be available in those days, which we found out by checking the Airbnb site the day before.
I go inside and sit down at my parents’ kitchen table.
Eventually, Maya Rudolph, Horatio Sanz and a few more comedians show up.
Someone mentions they know me from videos by a local sketch group that they saw online.
I don’t remember ever being in (or watching) any of their videos, but it sounds plausible so I start talking up the group, hoping I won’t get caught in a lie.
I end up at a funeral in Placentia.
Wayne Hann, Wayne Smith and probably some other Waynes are there as well.
I’m explaining to someone how I know when I’m in a dream, but I don’t remember what I said.
I have a few “You’ve won a free Miller Lite can” bottle caps, and more keep appearing in my pocket.
Maybe that’s how I know.
Peter is telling me all the flavours of Mike & Ikes as we stand in front of a candy machine. He hands me a quarter while showing me the six candies he received to prove that the best flavours come out of this machine.
I have to drive a bobcat to leave, but I screw up the turn and accidentally dig up the lawn.

Cabin Dirt Party

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