“I write one page of masterpiece to ninety-one pages of shit. I try to put the shit in the wastebasket.” – Ernest Hemingway Kurt Vonnegut – Eight rules for writing fiction Use the time of a total stranger in such
Writers Atop Writing

“I write one page of masterpiece to ninety-one pages of shit. I try to put the shit in the wastebasket.” – Ernest Hemingway Kurt Vonnegut – Eight rules for writing fiction Use the time of a total stranger in such
[Editor’s note: In the course of collecting these relevant infographics, the author neglected to record the original sources. For this he apologizes, as do I, but it was agreed that the content is too important not to be shared.]
There are many more films that I’d like for you all to see. However, in order to keep this list reasonable and accessible, the following can all be watched on Canadian Netflix. They are sorted by unidentified category, alphabetically. (Last
Louis CK – Hilarious George Carlin – Jammin’ in New York Dave Chappelle – Killing Them Softly Jerry Seinfeld – I’m Telling You for the Last Time John Mulaney – The Comeback Kid